RE: [sap-acct] Profit Center vs Segment

Posted by sitiariyani
on Jun 30 at 9:27 PM
Dear Mr. Roy

Thanks for your advice?

So we don't need to activate segment for generate segmental reporting. We can get that report from PC Group.
If we back to the sample from Mr. Usman , we can say that the 3 Cities are PC Group not a segment.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Roy Brookes
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 6:56 AM
Subject: Profit Center vs Segment

There is one drawback to using the segment functionality in SAP and that is that a Profit Centre can only belong to one segment. If your profit centres represent product lines and your segments change, it is very difficult to change the segment embedded in the profit centre master record. However, if you use profit centre groups to represent segments rather than putting a segment code into the PC master, it is relatively easy to move a profit centre from one PC group to another if a segment changes its definition. I recently had to advise a client that was considering changing its segments from A and B to D, E and F. With segments in the profit centre masters this would be very difficult but by using profit centre groups it was not difficult at all.

Rgds, Roy

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Roy Brookes FFA, FInstBA,
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