Re: [sap-acct] Unplanned Depreciation - AO95

Posted by VidhyaDhar (User-friendly SAP FI Consultant)
on Jun 30 at 3:45 AM
Hi Vijay

I am unable to understand your requirement.

Account determination refers to the the General Ledger Accounts which need
to get populated with values whenever an asset related transaction occurs. .
General Ledger accounts are defined in the Chart of Accounts only and not in
the chart of depreciation. The chart of depreciation regulates the
depreciation norms ( country specifically) whereas General Ledger postings
happen based on the general ledger accounts defined in the chart of accounts
and assigned to the company code. Account determination is asset class
specifically defined since each asset class may post to a different kind of
fixed asset account. I do not understand why and how this behavior needs to
be changed / resolved. In fact, it is incorrect to do so. Postings should
happen to the same general ledger accounts in many company codes which use
the same chart of accounts.

May I also know why you want to create multiple General Ledger accounts for
unplanned depreciation, please? Is there any specific purpose / reason for
you to do so, please?



If the Chart of of Accounts used is one only then any company code ( no
matter which chart of depreciation it uses) will have general ledger
postings updated in the same G L accounts only.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: vijay kumar
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 2:51 AM
Subject: Unplanned Depreciation - AO95

Hello Folks,

We have a requirement to change Account Determination for Unplanned depreciation.

1)We have two(A&B) Chart of Depreciation using the same Chart of Accounts, When we change the Account Determination for Chart of Depreciation A, SAP automatically changes the account determination for Chart of Depreciation B. Is that can be resolved?

2) Is it possible to move prior year balances from Unplanned Depreciation GL Accounts(Balance Sheet) into New Unplanned Depreciation Account?

Your early answers would much appreciated?

Thanks & Regards,

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