RE:[sap-acct] Multi credit control area

Posted by wnash7658 (SAP Specialist and Project Leader)
on Jun 29 at 2:01 AM

Never tried this, but I suppose you have a local sales area for Taiwan and maybe a sales area for exports (eg sales to the US). You could then assign two different credit control areas to the two sales areas.

Further, you have to somehow check/verify the correct customer is linked and created in FD32. aa6b26811d194f400a0c9306794/content.htm

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---------------Original Message---------------
From: Roger Mou
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 10:30 PM
Subject: Multi credit control area


I'd like to know whether we can have multi credit control areas been assigned to one company code? if yes, how to config it? I've checked the assignment in IMG, it just allow to assign one credit control area for one company code, please advise me if there is any experts know how to solve this issue.

Thanks & Best Regards


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