When depreciating make sure that whose assets that are first acquired must be depreciated first.if you depreciate assets that are acquired later before the earlier acquired assets,the asset will not be depreciated. Please check the acquisition dates for all assets first acquired assets must be run first. it may be the case with the asset.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: hadni89 Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 11:49 PM Subject: Asset cannot depreciate When I run AFAB to do the depreciation for period 6 in the test run mode, there is warning messages show that 1 asset cannot be depreciated. I thought it's okay to proceed so I proceed with the depreciation for period 6. Then I look into that asset, it still cannot depreciated, the planned depreciation in AW01N that used to show in period 6 has been change to period 7. For additional this asset is low value asset and use GWG depreciation key, it acquisition date was on period 5 so it should be depreciated on period 5 right? Why it can't be depreciated until period 6? Anyone know why this happened? Please advice, thanks.. | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Popular White Papers In the Spotlight _.____.__ |
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