Re: [sap-acct] Asset Retirement without Depreciation

Posted by RamakrishnanShanmugam
on Jul 5 at 2:37 AM

Kindly let me know when the depreciation will run will be done for your
company code normally if it is month end you can go to transaction ab08 and
reverse the respective assets by giving the respective date you want to
reverse and then you can activate the asset shut down key and check the same
by running the depreciation t code AFAB test run to ensure that nothing is
charged for July 2011

Kindly let me know whether it resolves your query

Ramakrishnan. S

---------------Original Message---------------
From: ss_sap
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 1:20 AM
Subject: Asset Retirement without Depreciation

Hi all,
I want to retire a few assets without posting any depreciation for the month on which I am retiring. I am explaining the scenario below.

Asset purchase on Jan 2011
Depreciation posted till June 2011
Asset retirement on 1st July 2011, when doing so the system posts the depreciation for the july 2011 and asset is written off without revenue. I want to get rid of this.

My requirement is, the asset should be written off without posting July month depreciation.

Are there any settings that needs to be changed.


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