Dear BAA, Line item with $0 amount on parked document will be disappear when you post it. Rgds, Aniek
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Bernadette Abanador Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 9:39 PM Subject: Deleting a line item on a parked document There was an error on a parked document where there was an extra line item there but since the user cannot seem to get rid of it, they just posted it with $0 amount. We tried to delete that particular line item, but even with a right click option or the shift+F2 option, we still couldn't. Any ideas on how to get rid of this? Thanks, BAA | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Popular White Papers In the Spotlight _.____.__ |
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