Re: [sap-acct] Petty Cash in SAP

Posted by Roy B (SAP Financials Expert)
on Jul 28 at 6:08 AM
Is this a question? It is not phrased as such.


Roy Brookes FFA, FInstBA,
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---------------Original Message---------------
From: Lindiwe Dibatana
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 5:23 AM
Subject: Petty Cash in SAP

Is is possible that on SAP to have a function for petty cash, where anyone who wants petty cash can do it on SAP instead of manually having too submit a form and having to do a journal?

If it could be a request form on SAP that is aligned to your Manager for approval and as soon as it approved goes directly to the Cashiers office, they just print and issue the cash.

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