RE:[sap-acct] Excise / CENVAT Receivable (Part 2) Entry

Posted by chirag_panchal (SAP Professinoal)
on Jul 27 at 4:34 AM
Hello Experts,

I am waiting for your reply.

Should you need more details please do let me know.

Best Regards
Chirag Panchal
+91 98980 40299

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Chirag Panchal
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 1:35 AM
Subject: Excise / CENVAT Receivable (Part 2) Entry

Hello Experts,

During observation we found that excise / CENVAT receivable entry (Part 2 at the time of GRN) is not generated.

Want to understand what are the pre-requisite to get excise tab while generating GRN. Like Material & Vendor should be maintain in J1ID, Excise related tax code mandatory in PO, Schema J1 or J2 maintained in Vendor Master etc.

Chirag Panchal
+91 98980 40299

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