Hello Every one No one is able to give a Clear Explanation or Configuration on FI HR Integration. Forget about my Doubt, But can any one tell me How salary advance Process happening in SAP. I mean FI HR Integration Process. I made the configuration in such a way that it will trigger the employee vendor individually instead of triggering and posting Total advance. . 1. Created all Employee as Vendor 2. Created Special GL indicator for Salary Advance 3. Assigned salary advance Recon A/c in indicator. 4. Released advance through F-48. 5. Month end, regular payroll, advance is adjusting from employee vendor. 6. But it is not posting to Salary advance GL recon, cause Special GL Indicator Selection is not there in HR Config.. 7. But it is posting to the Reocn A/C of Employee Vendor master (Recon A/c in FK01 - Employee vendor) This is my Config and this is My issue. I am expecting adjustment at the time of payroll on Salary adavnce Gl instead of Other Recon in vendor master. If any one faced same issue, please provide some solution......... Or Guide me How it is happening in Other Companies......; whether it is posted to On salary Advance GL which is not a Reoc A/C or It is posting employee vendor Wise the way i did or is there any other Standard Process in SAP For Salary Advance. Please Shinas | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Shinu SAP Accounting Helper
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