Graduated totals are usually in the Profit and Loss Part of Financial Statements. They furnish break up of retained earnings/ profits well segregated into operating profit (from operations) , Non operating Profit (capital gains through sale of fixed assets), profit from investments etc. Regards VidhyaDhar
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: nazia shaikh Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 6:47 AM Subject: Graduated Totals checbox Dear All, Can anyone explain to me what the "Graduated Totals" checkbox does in Financial Statement Version? I don's really understand the documentation in the SAP library. Thanks & Regards, Nazia Shaikh* | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | VidhyaDhar SAP Accounting Top Contributor
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