RE: [sap-acct] Price diff will not affect our P& L to prove

Posted by SekharSan
on Aug 5 at 5:34 AM
As long as the finished good is in stock, any additional cost will be part of the FG. However if the goods issue is done and then any update of cost to that product will hit to PD account.

And as you know the PD is a P&L account. In my current project, all the cost in this PD account, gets allocated as cost to all Products in Controlling. However in FI side, it is shown as part of the cost of sales group GL for reporting purpose.

Also you can execute FBL3n report for the PD account and check the nature of line items there.

Thanks & regards,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Subbu Lakshmi
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 1:26 AM
Subject: Price diff will not affect our P& L to prove

Dear Sir

I wants to prove that PD will not impact my P&L,
My idea is

COGS+PD=FG (MAP*Qty) which report helps me to prove pd will not affect P&L

Please help sir.

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