RE:[sap-acct] Asset Value upload into New Depreciation Area

Posted by Ravi_kumar
on Aug 11 at 6:22 AM
Hello Rajan,

Thanks a lot for your help. I could resolve the issue after following your suggestions.

Thanks a lot to everyone who tried helping me.

Ravi Kumar

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Ravi_Kumar
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 1:06 AM
Subject: Asset Value upload into New Depreciation Area

Hello All,

We need some help in Asset Accounting - Take over value upload into newly created depreciation areas.

We had 4 depreciation areas at the time when we went live in 2008. In addition to these we a legacy software to do asset accounting for different local authorities. Now we have decided to create two new depreciation area in SAP.

Accordingly, we have created new depreciation areas and have activated the same in relevant account classes.

Now we would like to upload APC and Accumulated values (as on 1st Jan 2011 - which is the beginning of 2011 fiscal year) into these two new depreciation areas.

Can you please let us know how to go about this.? i.e. Should we go for AS02 OR is there any other way?

Thanks in advance.


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