RE:[sap-acct] Cost element 420010 does not exist

Posted by LCC352 (Sr. Mgr, ERP/Financial Systems)
on Aug 8 at 9:32 AM
if the cost element actually does exist, does it have the right validity dates? Are you doing something that is outside the dates you have above? We set up our original system as of 01/01/1995, so every cost element we have starts then, even if we created it yesterday, and it ends at 12/31/9999. If you have different dates on the cost elements, if you go back or forward in time in your reporting or posting, you could get messages like this. - Lou

---------------Original Message---------------
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 9:19 AM
Subject: Cost element 420010 does not exist

Dear Expert

When I'm trying to post a transaction after the configuration of cost elements i get the following message "cost element 420010 does not exist", so for this I'm check the cost element creation it shows the cost element already exist for your assistance here is the following performance assistant as shown below

Cost element 420010 does not exist
Message no. KS211

Cost element 420010 does not exist in controlling area 9866 from 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2011.

Maintenance or use of this object requires that it exists in the system for the analysis period in question.

System Response
Processing is terminated.

Correct your entries for the cost element or create the cost element. Proceed.

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