RE:[sap-acct] Export from Job Worker

Posted by RTUCCELL (SAP Expert FI/CO/MM - Helpdesk / Trainer)
on Aug 1 at 1:19 PM
I apologize but I put by mistake a reply related to another question.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: swat2808
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 8:40 AM
Subject: Export from Job Worker

Hi All,

Has anyone configured an SAP solution in India to tackle direct
export from the job worker?

We are going to issue raw material for job work to a job worker
from one plant. The material is to be exported from a plant
other than that which had sent the material for job work.
According to excise rules in India the finished goods
manufactured through job work should not be routed through the
plant which had sent the raw material for conversion but should
be sent to the other plant from where it is to be actually

How do we handle this in SAP?


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