[sap-acct] Pull List and PV

Posted by Tabasu
on Aug 3 at 5:52 AM
Two things:

(1) At the time of generation of the Pull List is it mandatory for the
Prod Ord status to be REL, can a pull list be created if the status is

(2) There is one finished product XYZ. It has got two PVs. Everything
else is same in the 2 PVs except a component in BOM.
PV 1 uses material A as component
PV 2 uses material B in place of material A.
Both these are produced simultaneously as per requirement. Scenario is
REM where a machine is attached to a PV and hence simultaneous booking
is possible.

Both these materials are externally procured. How do I generate
Purchase requisitions for both A and B by running MRP for single
header material XYZ. Business now plans by this method:
Suppose XYZ is to be produced 100.
It has a ratio 40:60, this means that 40 XYZ will be produced by the
BOM having A and 60 will be produced by the BOM having B and then
manually by seeing available stocks of A and B , it generates the PRs.

Please help guys.
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