RE:[sap-acct] Customer Invoice Partial Payment

Posted by Arunrnair
on Jul 1 at 2:34 AM

If you want to partially apply any invoice, you need to tag the invoice and balance amount put in residual item. and you need to change the bline date as invoice date and also you can change the discount term as appear in the invoice. Also you need to update the inv No. in assignment and update the text "partially applied".
By changing the bline date and discount term, you will get the correct and accurate aging report . And if the customer avail the discount on balance amount in their next check run, SAP will show the exact discount amount which customer is eligible.

I hope, i answered your question.

thanks & Regrds

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Daniel Dalnekoff
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 9:52 PM
Subject: Customer Invoice Partial Payment

Thanks for the assistance all.

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