RE: [sap-acct] Just Starting SAP Implementation

Posted by SekharSan
on Jul 29 at 10:42 AM
It is very common in cases where the plant is under setup for production/sales, till then to book all the overheads, an interim solution will be in place where a company code is created. This Company code will capture all the FI transactions. However you should have a master blue print in mind to see what modules need to be activated now (like COPA, PCA in Controlling ) considering your future business req.

Also in case if you have any petty sales activities now, then make sure that you will use different set of GL accounts for Fi-SD integration purpose in future.
There will be definitely big work in phase2 when you integrate with SD module. Consider the aspects of Condition types, Account keys, tax accounts, Integration GL accounts, Characteristics, Value fields, PCA hierarchy, Controlling Reporting (Report painter) etc.

In couple of cases, what we did is to use a interim company code say XXXX and later at the actual business start migrate to the required new company code YYYY along with integration. This will ensure great flexibility like implementing a new company code but with less risk prone.

We might need more insight from you to provide you more info as this kind of discusison invovles current and future requirements from the business perspective.

Thanks & regards,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Christine Garland
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 10:17 AM
Subject: Just Starting SAP Implementation

Can anybody offer some info on the risks and challenges of implementing Finance without SD - and then coming around in a 2nd release a couple years later - to add SD into the mix? Would there be a lot of customization and rework required. has anyone done this?

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