Hi, We have In House Cash Set up for Payments.. For a particular vendor X0001, the Bank Country is DK and has an alternative Payee maintained in the vendor master which has an alternative Payee X0002 and this X0002 has Bank Country SE. The Invoice is in currency SEK..and payment Method A The table IHC_TAB_APM_TT is maintained with the following conditions.. 1200 Bank Transfer A 100200 1200 Bank Transfer A GBP 100200 1200 Bank Transfer A SEK 100200 1200 Bank Transfer A DE EUR 100100 1200 Bank Transfer A DK DKK 100100 1200 Bank Transfer A PL PLN 100100 1200 Bank Transfer A SE SEK 100100 The problem is after execution of F110, the inbound IDOC in IHC0 is not getting generated..it is in error.. I checked in Debug mode and it is picking up transaction type 100200 instead of 100100 . Any reason why this is picking up 100200 and not 100100 transaction type. If the Vendor Bank Country(Alternative Vendor's Bank country) is SE and the transaction currency is SEK, it should pick up the last record.. rather it is picking up the third record.. Any idea why? Regards, SAPFICO | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | SAPFICO07 SAP Accounting Enthusiast
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